Gallery, takes great pleasure in gathering, ripping, pulling,
cleaning and stripping...wood.
To be exact, chaotic materials that people just discard. Most
of us don't even see these objects that become cohesive panels
inspired by nature. We just see faded 2 by 4's in a pile by the
empty lot. Or an eye sore. Michelle takes a different view. The
more beaten and abused the wood, the better it translates
alongside other pieces. The weathering of the squares and strips
that make up her art panels create a certain flow, a natural and
architectural one.
Several of Michelle's pieces currently grace the walls of the
gallery as part of the "About Wood" show that runs through
the beginning of August. She can usually be found in her
workshop saw and drill in hand. So there is always a new
piece to look at...

"untitled" 2009


"untitled" 2008


Untitled 2009

Untitled 2009