
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Photographer John Crouch at Las Manos Gallery

Photographer John Crouch has a background in construction and engineering. To him, cities represent so much more than just the roads and buildings. They are the culmination of  cultural influences,  politics and practicality. 

The evolution of cities over time really intrigue Crouch: 

"My thoughts turn to the people who had the grand visions to stretch their buildings into the sky, or the speculators weaving miles of transit lines above the neighborhoods, or the tradesmen breaking their backs to earn an honest day’s pay, or the politician who wasn’t strictly interested in the public good.  This town is full of ghosts and I find them under the L trains, down the dirty alleys, or in the old buildings we tear down.  There are stories embedded into every mortar joint, concrete slab, steel column, and wooden truss.  With my photography I try to remember and preserve those efforts because I know that the unceasing evolutionary forces at work will someday wipe them away forever."

Photographs, top to bottom:
"Aqua Revisited", "Inside Out", "Indecision"

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